
Sexual Relations Between A Person And An Animal

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Bestiality is defined as sexual relations between a person and an animal; : sodomy.
Having sex with animals was originally linked to people living in rural areas where they were around livestock, and there may have been fewer women. In today’s world it has become something else, and that is, people who actually prefer to have sex with animals over human beings. It has been reported that Bestiality involves roughly 8 percent of men, and 4 percent of women .
In 1948, Wardell Pomeroy and Clyde Martin, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (W. B. Saunders) wrote that 50% of the population of America mostly young male farmers, claimed to have had sexual contact with various species of animals (Saunders, Year ). Today people actually have …show more content…

Bestiality is about human and animal, are the animals victimless . There is no certain age or population that this addiction serves more of than the other. These are some of the different demographic categories of zoophiles found through websites: "white, black, Asian, Mormon, Amish, Catholic, atheist, pagan, Jewish, male, and female, and those who are legally blind ." Zoophile’s say this is not a fetish, it is the life-style of one who has a loving, and a sexual fondness for animals. Those who engage in sexual intercourse with animals practice what is called beast sex, which is a fondness towards animals in an intimate and loving way (love and sexual attraction to animals ). Bestiality was first introduced into the field of human sexuality research in 1886 . Since the 1990’s bestiality has been considered an alternative sexual orientation, (cited by Miletski, 1999). The population of bestiality compare themselves to the GLBT LBGTQ population, because they feel they are subject to the same retributions as homosexuality. They feel they have the right to their own sexual orientation, and hope to find an open-minded ally in the gay rights movement to support that, and become part of the bestiality rights movement .
Some say human-animal relationships are unequal relationships, ; some view this as taking advantage of minor boys or girls. Animals like

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