
Sexual Violence And American Indian Genocide

Decent Essays

Andrea Smith’s book Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide read passionately about Native American Indians experiences relative to violence and related topics. Part of Smith’s goal is to aid understanding of Native women’s plight and spotlight how treating their sufferings separately was limiting the pain they lived through to this day. Smith pointed out that though other writers have keen interest in bringing native women’s plight mainstream, these writers fell short of taking an intersectional look at how sexual violence, race, and gender connected equally to the Native women’s history. She believed separating these issues was wrong. Smith cited theorist Kimberlee Crenshaw, (Smith 7) a woman of color, for pointing this issue out.
Taking from Crenshaw, Smith notes that an intersectional approach supports keeping matters of rape, race, and all types of oppression together instead of only calling for those things when convenient. Regarding those who sought to separate the issues, Smith presents counter opinions on what else Native women need from “outsiders” to aid healing from the atrocities of genocide and colonialism. Intersectional approach regarding violence against Native women relates to marrying all forms of oppression suffered and experienced by native women. Smith believes all else fall short when treated as separate entities.
The Native American people as a whole suffered tremendously during colonialism. When European settler acquisitioned the

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