
Shadow People: An Explanation Of Ghastly Figures

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Another common explanation to these ghastly figures, is that it they are products of our eyes playing tricks on us and making us see things that aren’t there. This is a common occurrence and happens to everyone at some point in their lives, you see something out of the corner of your eye and when you look to see what it is the figure has vanished. Jason Offutt from the paranormal website known as shows us both sides of the argument but specifically states that that these figures “can be attributed to the same trick of light and shadow that allows us to see faces in clouds and carpets”. This is a good point to make as it explains why many people report seeing Shadow People in their peripheral vision and not directly. Many times these figures will not interact with these individuals in any way and just observe what we they doing. …show more content…

Hallucinations are a complex form of our eyes playing trick on us because our brain is producing these images. Our eyes are a vital part of helping perceive the world so when they are not working right, our hold on reality may be distorted as shown in the following study. The study was conducted in 1966 at The University of California, Los Angeles by a group of doctors. Four, healthy male individuals were sleep deprived in a controlled environment for one hundred and twenty-two hours. This experiment was conducted to observe the effects of long term sleep deprivation. There were no signs of hallucinations until after the seventy-two-hour mark where the doctors observed “Two walked into a wall because they had hallucinated an open

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