
Shaken Or Stirred

Good Essays

Shaken or Stirred - do you like your Education mixed? "For the longest time you couldn't even say boys and girls were different. It was taboo in the educational world" - Jon Scieszka.
Everyone remembers primary school- it's usually a time we recall with great fondness. But what if education was different? Not very different, just in one key aspect: boys and girls were in different classes. Boys and girls are very different, not just in genders but also in learning styles, and many argue that these differences prevent effective learning. 

For example, many argue that boys need to be more active in class. This is because scientists who study the development of children's bodies claim boys develop their 'gross-motor' movement before their 'fine-motor' movement; this essentially means that they develop the nerves in their bigger muscles (like arms and legs) before their smaller ones (like fingers). Because of this, boys do not have the finger coordination - or focus - that girls do. In his book 'Raising Boys', Steve Biddulphs writes:

"Sitting still at a …show more content…

This allows boys to benefit from extra care for their challenges and girls to receive the same. I believe while controversial this would markedly improve children's early education, creating stronger foundations and setting them up for a wider spectrum of capabilities in further education. I also believe that being educated individually would allow girls to have more confidence in their maths and physics knowledge having not compared themselves to boys in their younger years, causing a spike in the numbers of all female scientists as well as architects, engineers and doctors. Boys would have more interest in their studies and therefore be kept out of gangs, also allowing for a greater number of male teachers improving the diversity of teaching

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