A common wish is to become immortal; to die and have the works done during life be known eternally. To reach this level, a person has to help shape a culture or create something timeless. Beginning in the 1500s and stretching to present-day, William Shakespeare’s work is legendary, and could last until the end of human existence. He is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language, creating work as a poet, playwright, and even an actor. Shakespeare’s life and works, despite occurring more than four-hundred years ago, are well-known and strongly influential in today’s society. First, the beginning of Shakespeare’s life was mundane. It is bewildering to think that growing up in such an uneducated time and place could result in some of the best pieces of literature ever known. …show more content…
Many of the terms and words he created are still used regularly in modern society. For example, the terms ‘bated breath’, ‘wild-goose chase’, and ‘neither rhyme nor reason’ were all created and used by Shakespeare throughout his plays. He also created the words, ‘assassination’, ‘gossip’, and ‘blushing’. The words and phrases listed here are a few examples of countless other expressions and words devised and published by Shakespeare (“The Legacy of Shakespeare). In conclusion, it’s clear that Shakespeare is one of the most famous and prolific writers in all of history. His start, in a place that no one would ever expect to see so much talent, can inspire anyone. In his prime he created some of the most well-known plays ever seen. Although his playwriting skills were great, he was also a highly talented poet, and is even considered by many an entrepreneur. His classical creations have shaped authors and literature from his death in 1616, to present times, and can be expected to do the same
Shakespeare is one of the greatest playwrights and authors of all time. There is a reason for this. His plays transcend any simple understandings we have about life and the human condition. Throughout most if not all of his plays we see common themes of the human condition and how they play a role in our lives. Through these themes, Shakespeare teaches us what it means to be human and what it means to be a part of the human race. We learn this lesson through his use of conflict, mortality, and growth in his characters.
William Shakespeare is known to be the “greatest English-speaking writer in history” and an England’s national poet, actor, and an extremely successful playwright. During Shakespeare’s acting career in London, he started writing all about “European geography, culture, and diverse personalities (History.com).” Willm Shakspere or William Shakspeare, as written by him, then went on to write plays. His first three plays were all created around or a little before 1592 and captured the core studied categories; tragedy (Titus Andronicus), comedy (The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Comedy of Errors and The Taming of the Shrew), and history (Henry VI trilogy and Richard III). He wrote plays and sonnets for many theater companies, was one of the main playwrights for the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, which was renamed the King’s Men when James I was in charge, and formed the Globe theater in 1599 with other partners. Shakespeare’s unique language, themes, verses, format, characters, and plots makes his writing universal to every culture and time period. Shakespeare is still taught in school nowadays due to its’ educational and transitional purposes. Shakespeare continues to influence modern-day life and I believe will for a long time to come.
William Shakespeare is a well-known and recognized English poet. Born in the year of 1564 and 1616 marked the end of his time. In his twenties, Shakespeare decided to move to London and took up the role of being an actor and a playwright. It wasn’t until 1594 that he began his career with the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, the leading theater company at the time. Shakespeare spent his time pumping out 37 written plays and over 150 poems, which only provoked him into becoming a prominent playwright, figure in his successful work output. Shakespeare didn’t only revert to tragedies such as Macbeth, but combined fascinating plots, strong characters and beautifully constructed poetry in his plays. So inspiring that even to this day, Shakespeare and
Shakespeare is above all writers, at least above all modern writers, the poet of nature; the poet that holds up to his readers a faithful mirror of manners and life. His tragedy seems to be skill, his comedy to be instinct.
The infamous William Shakespeare had written over 30 plays before his death. Shakespeare’s plays are still very much recognized and appreciated in classrooms across the world. He knew how to make to make a simple point in strange ways. The playwright constantly made many life references that are still valid in today’s lifestyle.
Many authors have had a lasting impact because of their literary work. During the Elizabethan time period, William Shakespeare began his remarkable career as a playwright changing/impacting blank. William Shakespeare’s life and work transcends time because of their relative relatability.
Many have heard of William Shakespeare, and many have seen or known his work without even knowing it was his. The playwright, poet, and actor was born April 23,1564. There has been a debate whether him and/or his plays and work are still relevant till this day. Shakespeare has a worldwide impact and his plays and their concept continue to illustrate the problems we are affected by today. Significantly, after first experiencing Shakespeare, many can already notice that he has the potential to speak out various emotions some cannot find words to express and experiences we encounter time to time.
At first glance when reading Shakespeare you question why it is so famous and important. What many people don't realize is that his poems and plays give us a different outlook on life. " At a certain point, if you listen enough, you realize that what seemed random is really described as "complex". What had been annoying now instead strikes you as appealingly edgy. And what initially seemed weird now looks strangely wonderful."
Shakespeare has influenced the way we speak, express ourselves, and enriched the English language is many ways. “Shakespeare introduced nearly 3,000 words into the English language.” (Anderson) Our vocabulary is full of phrases or words from Shakespeare. Without Shakespeare, we would not express ourselves the way we do. “He gave us uniquely vivid ways in which to express hope and despair, sorrow and rage, love and lust.”(Kurlak) The words Shakespeare created are used everyday. “Many words and phrases from his plays and poems have become a common part of everyday speech.” (Popova) Words like addiction, amazement, generous, gloomy, gossip are all commonly used words were all created by and used in Shakespeare 's plays. The list of everyday words from Shakespeare is much larger with words like advertising, blanket, outbreak, and thousands more. “Without him, our vocabulary would be just too different.”(Harris ) As well as words, many of
When you need a word, what do you do? You go to a dictionary, or a thesaurus. Many words and phrases we use today, were created by Shakespeare. Without him, our vocabulary would be lacking significantly. l For example, 'The green-eyed monster' in reference to the emotion jealousy. "To be, or not to be.' The question that baffles us all. To walk with 'swagger' was also one of his.
Shakespeare is possibly one of the best known author ever. He has written many works that were rewritten to conform to modern times, and many that are so good that they could not be changed. He has also sparked one of the largest debates in history: did he actually write the works that he supposedly wrote? Or was it a pen name for someone else, the true author? In this debate, I have taken the opposing side, I believe that Shakespeare did not write his works like we have been led to believe our entire lives.
Shakespeare not only forever changed the face of the fine arts, but also many chapters of various text books. He created new words and aphorisms that have outlived time and are still used today, forever to be embedded
William Shakespeare works has been and will be part of his legacy, some of them
Shakespeare was a great writer, but there are some questions regarding his work as a play writer. When his plays were not published until after his death, some questions were raised about whether Shakespeare was the one who really wrote them. As an example, “Who else could have written his plays? How could Shakespeare describe certain scenery’s of places in his plays that he had never been to or seen? Was Shakespeare educated enough to write them himself? This research essay will cover some of the questions asked about Shakespeare’s work as a play writer.
On April 23, 1564 a writer with an abundance of talent, enthusiasm, and motivation was thought to be born. 400 Years ago, William Shakespeare graced the world and injected his name with others, such as Aristotle, Apollo, and Wolfgang. Works such as Romeo and Juliet, Julius Creaser, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream we can see commendable qualities Shakespeare exhibits. I extol and esteem Shakespeare indefinitely, and though I could never truly compare, I think his passion, creativity, and love for art accurately represents my own. As William Shakespeare maintains, “Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness trust upon them.”