
Shark Oil Research Paper

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Selachimorpha, or the shark harvested for food, medicine and leather goods. Shark skin, and scales, (denticles) are used to make leather. Shark liver oil is used in medicine and cosmetic products. The oil is used in medicine to treat leukemia and other cancers, the oil is used to prevent radiation illness during cancer X-ray therapy and to boost the body's immune system. During chemotherapy the oil can be used to increase white cell, which many are killed from the treatment. (Shark liver oil, 2009) The oil is retrieved from the livers of three species of shark; the deep sea shark (Centrophorus squamosus), the dogfish (Sqaulus acanthias), and the basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus). (Bakes, Michael J, et al., 1995) Shark meat is also consumed by humans in many different ways such as fish and chips in the UK and Australia. Another way they are consumed in shark fin soup, an East Asian delicacy. …show more content…

How the sharks are processed depends on their intended use. Some sharks are harvested for their skin. A knife is used to separate the meat and skin. The process is the same as processing cattle for leather. The scales are removed and then the skin is tanned. To retrieve shark oil the liver is removed. The liver is cut into small pieces and cooked. The oil is is then extracted from the water and sent to be proceed depending on the intended use. (Tenllado, et al., 2011) Shark finning is controversial and banned in many countries. The finning occurs on the fishing boat. The fins are cut off and divided into two quality grades depending on which fin it is. The rest of the shark is tossed back into the

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