
Shawshank Redemption Research Paper

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Ever SINCE the popularity of movies exploded, film geeks continue to debate the single movie to rule them all. WITHOUT A DOUBT, The Godfather is considered a masterpiece by many. FURTHERMORE, the subsequent Godfather sequels are excellent in their own right. The Shawshank Redemption is unquestionably a classic film, AS WELL. ALSO, one or even several movies in a series have their share of bragging rights. CASE IN POINT: the original Star Wars trilogy, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the Indiana Jones films, to name a few. (Speaking of which, did you catch the Lord of the Rings reference PREVIOUSLY?) NATURALLY, one could never forget the movie Psycho, with its chilling storyline and plot twist. ADDITIONALLY, The Wizard of Oz still holds up extremely well, despite its age. …show more content…

ALTHOUGH it is easy to award older and more classic movies with a badge of honor, there are numerous recent films that deserve praise. CURRENTLY, animation studio Pixar is the champion of this category. In the face of outstanding animated works such as Finding Nemo, Toy Story, Wall-E, Inside Out, Up, and countless short films, most other animated movies pale BY COMPARISION. YET one film is strangely absent – Forrest Gump. One cannot open up a discussion about great movies and not mention Forrest Gump, and though it may not be the best movie ever, it is STILL a superb work of art. (That classic line will FOREVER be remembered: “Run, Forrest, Run!”) OF COURSE, foreign films are also a huge contender in this debate. Spirited Away, FOR EXAMPLE, won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2002. ON THE WHOLE, people can feverishly support their “best” film until the end of time, but what it all comes down to is a matter of opinion. AS A RESULT, it must be understood that it is okay to like something whether the general opinion on it is good or bad – what matters is that it brings you joy in some

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