
Intellectual Beauty And Mont Blanc

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For Shelley, poetry moves beyond descriptive communicability; it defers meaning, destabilizes understanding, and defamiliarizes perception. Poetry "awakens and enlarges the mind," he says in A Defense of Poetry, "by rendering it the receptacle of a thousand unapprehended combinations of thoughts" (961). The poet-figure envisions new realities and new emotions, the likes of which invalidate, if not eradicate, intimations of referential meaning. "Poetry," Shelley states in his Defense, "lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar" (961).[1]

In "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty" and in "Mont Blanc," Shelley offers an intriguing, though perplexing, look at the functioning of the …show more content…

It is significant to note that while he does not dismiss the works of those who inscribe Nature into their poetry, he does complain about the inadequacy of the tool at hand, that is, of language's derisory charge. He is disenchanted with the very linguistic medium with which these universes are constructed. Language can no longer be held accountable for signifying anything other than inspiration, the very expansive and illimitable creativity that prompts the writing of a poem.

As the title suggests, "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty" is Shelley's address to that which lies beyond the confines of sensory impression. Nature becomes the repository for abstract thought, for insidious and ungraspable ideas. Shelley, too, feels "a presence that disturbs [him] with a joy / Of elevated thoughts" (TA, 95-96); but unlike Wordsworth, who establishes that there is "a motion and a spirit that impels / All thinking things, all objects of all thoughts, / And rolls through all things" (TA, 101-103), Shelley's nature is malevolent and elusive. Nature offers him but a passing glimpse of its shadowy materiality; it is impalpable and evanescent: "The awful shadow of some unseen Power," he says, "Floats though unseen amongst us" (1-2).

This Power is problematic; it is difficult to pin down:

It visits with inconstant glance Each human heart and countenance; Like hues and harmonies of

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