
Analysis Of The Shot Charles Augustus Magnussen

Satisfactory Essays

Introduction After watching a fantastic movie with wonderful story and excellent shooting skills, a film analysis is necessary for the learning of the mise-en-scene. In this essay, the subject-camera distance and composition of a particular shot that Mary ready to shoot Sherlock will be analyzed. This shot has been chosen because of its significance in showing the story’s development and character’s personality.

The Shot Chosen The scene to be analyzed in this paper is extracted from the middle part of the film. Charles Augustus Magnussen was a master blackmailer who can find people’s ‘pressure point’, a case about Lady Elizabeth Smallwood’s stolen letters leaded Sherlock Holmes into a long conflict with Magnussen. Magnussen kept …show more content…

The composition can be functioned as underlying themes and ideas but also can produce a distinctive visual effect. In this shot, we can see that it is an asymmetrical composition, the dominant is Mary, she could attract audience’s attention immediately since she looks clearest and brightest in the frame, the positioning of her could also catch audiences’ focus. Sherlock, Magnussen and the environment looks darker and blurry, it makes them become the subsidiary contracts, that means the things we see after we focus on the dominant. It tells the audience the focus of this shot should put on Mary, the actions and emotions of her will contribute to the development of the film. Shallow focus is used in this shot. Shallow focus is an approach in which several planes of focus are incorporated within a single image, this can create a purposefully less realistic image (Mamer, 2014). That means Depth of Field is used in this shot, it only kept Mary in sharp focus, and shifts audience’s attention to her action or facial expression. Although we can implicitly see the facial expression of Magnussen, the use of shallow focus and the small relative size of him tells us he is not the one we should focus in this …show more content…

In the shot, the use of subject-camera distance and shallow focus shifts audience’s attention to Mary’s action, it means her action is very important to undertake the story’s development, it associate the relationship between this action and the later part of the film. It can activate audience’s imagination, to guess how Mary’s action can influence the development of the story. Otherwise, it becomes useful on highlighting Mary’s personality, the Depth of Field allow audience to overlook the facial expression of Sherlock and Magnussen, and clearly see a ruthless, calm face of Mary. Audience could re-guess the personality of Mary from this shot, as it shows a great contrast with the ‘Ordinary Mary’, who audience always know about, with warm and friendly

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