
Sherry Turkle'sNo Need To Call?

Decent Essays

In her essay “No Need to Call,” Sherry Turkle makes the claim that smart phones, texting in particular, are having a negative effect on the way humans interact and communicate with each other. The issue of how smart phones are changing our social behaviors is important because it can potentially impact the future of the human race. With smart phones, computers and tablets, our society is entering into uncharted territory and we cannot be certain of how the outcome will change our social interactions. Figuring out whether or not these changes are negative or positive is a pertinent topic for all people because everyone is affected by these new technologies in their everyday lives, whether they have them or not. Turkle believes that the way we are communicating through these devices is starting to develop us into humans who are too reliant on impersonal forms of communication to the point that it is changing how we interact with others. In order to support her claim, Turkle uses examples from real people to describe how their interactions and behaviors are changing as a result of texting and emailing. The first girl that Turkle interviewed, Audrey, talked about the power texting gives her compared to phone calls stating, “In texting, you can get your main points off; you can really control when you want the conversation to start and end. You say, ‘Got to go, bye.’ You just do it” (378-379). People prefer are starting to prefer texting over phone calls because they feel they

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