
She's Sick: A Fictional Narrative

Decent Essays

It was a gloomy Monday morning. The trees swayed back and forward in the dim, murky sky. I walked over to the bus stop alone with my hair getting swooshed into my face. I walk one foot after the other thinking about all homework to come this week. “Hi Catherine!” I uttered trying not to sound so exhausted. “Hey Kelly, wears Lilia?” Catherine anxiously asked. “Shes sick.” I carelessly reply. “Oh…” . Catherine said while slowing her words. I look up to see Catharines face turning pale and her eyebrows tensing up. Whats wrong I thought? Am I missing something that I am supposed to know? My hands started to sweat and I began to look at my phone to see no text messages trying to fill this awkward time. While fidgeting with the many cracks

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