
Shipping And Environmental Pollution

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The objectives of the study are as follows:
• To study the impact of shipping on the global environment.
• To study the causes and measures of shipping in mitigating the environment pollution.

The researcher has used the data and information which are already available. Based on the requirements of the current research and also based the specifications of the regulatory bodies of the world, the causes and measures of shipping in mitigating the environment pollution and also the impact of shipping on the global environment have been studied.

To discuss the relation among shipping, the environment, and sustainable development, it is useful to define certain terminology. The main focus of shipping is on commercial ships, although many of the emissions, impacts and measures are common to other sectors, such as leisure, research, and fishing. The different regulations also require definitions of a ship. Different definitions exist, although according to the glossary of the US Navy, a “boat” usually refers to small vessels that are often open, whereas “ships” are vessels of considerable size that are intended for deep-water navigation. A ship can also be defined by its size: vessels longer than 12 m and wider than 4 m are referred to as ships, and smaller vessels are known as boats. Common ship types can be identified according to their type of use:

Container Ships: These vessels carry most of the world’s manufactured

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