
Shiv The Hindu Dualities Of Life

Decent Essays

The Hindu religion is one of the world’s largest with over 900 million followers. It is a polytheistic religion with many gods and goddesses worshipped by the faithful. Hindu tradition tells of a divine triumvirate that is responsible for the world’s creation, upkeep, and ultimate destruction. It is represented by Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer. Hindus believe in cycles. Shiva’s destruction of the world is another cycle and is seen as beneficial because it is done in order to destroy imperfections to bring about change. He is a paradoxical god that represents the dualities of life. Shiva has many devotees, called Shaivites, and his representations show the complexities of Shiva including Mahayogi, Nataraja, and Ardhanarishvara. Mahayogi is Shiva as a great yogi. This representation illustrates Shiva’s ascetic attributes. Depictions of Mahayogi show Shiva meditating with his eyes only half open. His home is in the Himalayan Mountains and he dresses in wild animal skins. He is shown with a trident that represents “control over body, mind, and intellect” (Muesse, 138). Around his neck is a tamed cobra and the goddess Ganga lives, representation of the Ganges River, lives in his hair. …show more content…

This is a portrayal of the dance of creation and destruction performed by Shiva. Shiva is dancing through the night. The dark of the night represents ignorance and Shiva is driving it out. Shiva is shown with four arms to show his power and each hold an item that holds meaning. One hand holds a drum that brings the world into existence. One holds a flame that destroys the world. One hand is raised to show the faithful to have no fear and the last points to his raised foot where his followers may find shelter. His lifted foot also shows divinity and his freedom from the human world and his planted foot destroys sin and ignorance. Around Shiva is a ring of fire; this represents

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