
Short Essay About The Aztecs

Decent Essays

The Aztecs were a complex civilization, I don't know much about the Aztec Civilization, I only know the outline. The reason why I chose the Aztecs is because I played a few video games growing up playing as that civilization, and they have always made me more interested in them. What I know, is eventually they came upon a spot with an eagle sitting on a cactus with a serpent wrapped in it's legs, that's where Tenochtitlan would be built. Montezuma was their leader, he was fierce and strict, but at the same time kind hearted and understanding, but nobody mistook his kindness for weakness, except for the Spanish. The Aztecs would fight enemies and enslave the rebellions and sacrifice them. The ones that cooperated, would have to pay tributes every few weeks though. Those people could live a normal life, just under Aztec control. They built things called skyfarms. Those farms were very well designed and worked in the desert setting they lived in. The Aztecs …show more content…

It would also be nice to find out how they survived and thrived so well in that area. The ground was almost sand, and the weather was dry and warm. I still want to find out more about their religion, why did they believe they needed to make a sacrifice every day for the sun to rise the next morning? Did they ever skip a day and know the sun rises the next day? Or did they never find out? What I want to know the most though, is how their leader Montezuma allowed the Spanish in with open arms, and let them harass him and his economy, and he let it happen, was he brainwashed into thinking the Spanish were the new leaders? The last thing I would like to know about is the rise and fall of the empire, where did they get all of their resources to build those spectacular buildings? How long did it take for them to finally get defeated by the

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