
Short Messages : Its Effect On Teenager 's Literacy And Communication Essay

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Short Messages: Its Effect on Teenager’s Literacy and Communication


The primary purpose of the present research was to gain a better understanding of how text messaging has affected adolescent (teenagers) communication skills. This study focuses on some of the effects and likely problems arising out of the use of these text messaging. Texting is the preferred mode of contact for nearly all social and communication activities, socialization and self-expression of the adolescents. They are also the quickest to adopt text messaging. In today’s world everyone in and around us are using mobile phones every day. Children today are receiving cell phones at an age as young as eight years old; more than 35 percent of children in second and third grade have their own mobile phone. Because of this, the texting language is integrated into the way that students think from an earlier age than ever before. They shorten words by using symbols to represent the word or symbols whose name sounds like a syllable of the word such as 2day or b4. This is commonly used in other languages as well.
This study will examine that whether texting SMS will impact on language and writing skills of the teenagers and their social lives, and other related issues. The evolution of technology over the last decade or so has happened at rapid speed. Not only innovative gadgets have been introduced but also popularizing it with new

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