
Short Story: Jewels

Satisfactory Essays

Jacob was woken up to the sounds of dogs. This was an event that happened regularly as one door down lives Miss. Haussmann who owned a lovely little 8 pound yorkie named Jewels. Even though he was great, Jewels had the most annoying bark and got startled and frightened at anything that he didn’t recognise. Jewels's sound was very evident, but this time it seemed as if there was more than just one tiny dog. The barking sounded much lower and it sounded like there were multiple dogs right outside his house. Jacob didn't think much of the ominous noises at first and tried to go back to sleep, thinking that they would stop in a little while - He was very wrong. After what seemed like an eternity of trying to fall asleep, Jacob decided to head outside to try to see what was going on and do what the other 5 people on his street had probably done hours ago. While walking downstairs Jacob Pondered more about what might be causing all of the commotion. Jewels was the only dog he knew of that lived on his street. Jacob was 10 feet away from the door when the low barking and growling finally stopped. There was a slight …show more content…

Why was he the only one left there? Was it because he had taken so long to check and see what was going on? Could he have stopped whatever had happened from happening if he had decided to go outside earlier? Why was he even worrying? He didn’t even know what had just happened. The barking and the vans could have meant absolutely nothing, but the absence of people on his street? There seemed like no reason to be but he was scared. He just stood there at the doorstep of the last house that he visited, frozen, like a deer in the headlights. He didn’t move, he just thought. His mind was racing and he couldn’t say why. He kept thinking for many minutes when he heard something that was behind him. It was the door of the house just across the street from where he stood, to his surprise, it

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