
Short Story Of An Hour

Decent Essays

This paper is on the story of an hour and the machine that won the war. These are both very well written stories. These two are different and yet have some similarities. The story of an hour and the machine that won the war are different but the same. In the story of an hour the plot is Ms. Mallard’s husband died in a train crash and she found out through her sister and her husband’s best friend. She was extremely affected by the news and felt like she would die because she has heart trouble. She looked out of her bedroom window and she felt life through that small portal into a whole other outside world. She was saddened by her husband’s death but she felt oddly “free body and soul free.” She lived out her days as an energetic “free” person. In the machine that won the war the plot is Lamar smith is in the computer chamber in the underground bunker that was his and many others home. It was there home because they were at war with the Deneb an alien race that wanted to destroy earth like Marvin Martian. The computer chamber was multivac the super computer. They were waiting on the confirmation that the Deneb were destroyed by the black hole they launched at them. When they were confirmed they rejoiced. …show more content…

Mallard is “pressed down by physical exposition that seemed to reach into her soul.” And Lamar “sat down rather tiredly in a technicians swing stool.” The characters are both young Ms. Mallard is “young with a fair calm face.” Lamar is “younger and swifter than the others.” there is death in both stories also. Ms. Mallard’s “husband’s death in a train wreck was a crushing blow.” And in the machine that won the war “the destruction of the Deneb was a joyous occasion.” Last but not least they were both free. Ms. Mallard was “free body and soul free.” And earth was free of the

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