
Short Story

Decent Essays

Bang, ching, fling! The boy’s locker room erupted into vigorous sounds of lockers closing and opening. The zero period class was always considered one of the calmest physical education classes of the day, but tempers were always flared on Monday. Who could resist? Monday, also known as the mile day during P.E., was loathed at Rockefester Jr. High. “Does anyone have my athletic clothes?” Jack questioned the boys, who also looked dismayed in his changing row. Tristan, next to Jack, angrily pulled his head out from inside his own locker. “I can’t seem to find my clothes either!” Tristan muttered. “I know I had them yesterday.”
One after another, each boy in the locker room announced that they, too, were missing their gym shirts and shorts. …show more content…

“Don’t you just love the way she-” Tristan started but was interrupted by the school intercom. “Yo gabba wabba zink wok zu,” was emitted from the speakers placed in the halls. The boys glanced at each other widely with concern. “What was that?” Tristan asked. “Surely, it is nothing to be of importance,” Jack assured Tristan. “Probably just a joke the secretary is playing on the students.” Satisfied with the response, Tristan and Jack walked to their English class. The boys settled into their seats, while Mrs. Whitney began taking roll. The boys usually enjoyed this class, for Mrs. Whitney always had a fun personality. But, today was different, and she seemed upset about something.The boys were unable to decipher her glares at the class, and Tristan decided to zone out. Tristan sat back in his seat, and blocked out all of the noise in the classroom. As Tristan is in a daze, and Jack unaware, they do not realize that a peculiar, grey spaceship has landed in the school soccer field. One by one, aliens disperse out of the spaceship, and are standing in a ready position. This Monday, really was going to be frightening. “Excuse the interruption,” the intercom invaded into the boy’s classroom. “Jack, please make your way to the office as quickly as possible.” Jack immediately rose out of his seat, motioned goodbye to Tristan, and walked out the door. Tristan sat through his English class without saying one word. The bell cut through

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