
Short Story

Decent Essays

I hesitated before responding and I uttered these words “tell them I am not available.” She hesitated and said ok I will. The phone call ended and I remember looking out the window waiting to see if they had left and they did. I was able for a minute to catch my breath and gain my composure. The phone rang again it was my aunt downstairs. I reluctantly answered and it was my aunt again stating to me that the police left a number to call and I need to respond in 24 hours or I was going to be arrested. I responded to the number and the police detective who was also a D.E.A Agent told me that I needed to come in and talk to them right away. I found the courage to do so and drove to the State Police Barracks. I remember walking in feeling a …show more content…

I found love and hope for the first time in my life. I began to read and study Scripture at every opportunity provided me. I was participant in a therapeutic community rehab while serving my time. I was beginning to see my life in ways I never thought possible. I was seeing for the first time the destructive behaviors that were destroying my life. I was able to answer for my conduct, before God and other inmates who were in similar situations. God was saving my life and I was finally able to recognize that very fact. I spent my entire time in prison learning about God, Faith and my addictions. The time I served in jail saved my life and I have no reservations about that statement. I was paroled and was released from prison. I was a new creation in Christ and I was given a second chance at life. My parole obligation was two years and I completed it without incident. I continued to read Scripture and began to plan out my future based on personal growth and self-development. My parole was over and I decide to relocate to Arizona where I reside today. My beloved mother reached out to me and helped me relocate and reside with her. I earned my G.E.D diploma from the Arizona Department of Education and enrolled in college at City Vision University. I was determined to make all the necessary changes to my life and implement all the strategies I learned in rehab. I worked hard and I have been sober for almost seven years now. In conclusion, I decided that I wanted to

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