
Short Summary Of Rip Van Winkle

Decent Essays

The story of “Rip Van Winkle” is about an old man named Rip. He lives in a small village along the Appalachian Mountains. The people around him, like his neighbors, adore him. He was a local favorite, but there was one problem: he had issues with his wife. He was very lazy, and she nagged at him for it. He did not care for the people around him and he liked to be on his own. One day Rip goes into the mountains by himself and finds a group of sailors and adventurers. He starts partying with them and ends up drinking ale that makes him sleep for twenty years. When he wakes up, he goes back to town to find his daughter. After talking to her, he realizes he has been asleep for that long and looks for all of his old friends and family. All of them have perished. All of the people that liked him were gone, and he finally realized how much he had appreciated their company. And, even through their problems, he missed his wife. Throughout the beginning of the story, you see how much the people around Rip truly loved him. Wherever he went, he had conversations with people around him. They all look out for him and get his attention whenever they can. Although he is a town favorite, he seems to not care. He doesn’t really want to be around anyone. Also, his wife, makes him withdraw even more. Because Rip is lazy, his wife has to constantly nag him to get things done. The person he was supposed to love more than anyone, he tries to avoid the most. Irving takes all of these things away

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