
Should Adopted Kids Have the Right to Know Who Their Biological Parents Are

Decent Essays

Should Adopted Kids Know Who Their Biological Parents Are?

Whether adoptive children should know who their birth parents is something that is questioned too much. Children should have the right to be able to know who their birth parents are if they choose to do so. If children do not want to know who their birth parents are then they probably have a reason behind it. Children who do not know who their birth parents are, should find out who they are so that they can have contact with them. Some children are absolutely accurate that they do not want to know about who their birth parents are, but on the other hand some children do want to figure out who their birth parents are. All children that are adopted should have the right to find …show more content…

This is unless that the adoptive parents make the decision to decide whether to tell the child that they are adopted. The issues of adoption can be very tender and can cause torture to the child if the information is given to them at a later age. To help take care of this situation the information is hidden from the child until they are old enough to make their own decisions. However many children have the desire to know why they were adopted and who their biological parents are. For the child to be willing to find out who their biological parents are is something that a lot of people question. On the other hand it is the right of the child to search for their biological parents if they have the desire to. When they are grown up then they have the right to make their own decision about what they want to do. No one should have the right to tell someone not to do something that they want to do. All children should have the right to choose whether they want to find out who their biological parents are without the saying of other

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