
Should America Raise The Minimum Wage Essay

Decent Essays

America should not Raise the Minimum wage to $15 per hour.

Should america raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour ? No america should not raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour for 3 reasons, the first reason is because of the potential to lose millions of jobs, the second is prices going up and the third and final reason is businesses closing down.

The first reason that America should not raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour is that millions of jobs being potentially lost. Do you remember the great depression ? Do you remember how millions of people lost their jobs? My father lost his job and our family had to dig into our life savings to stay afloat. Millions of jobs were lost and many people were forced on the streets because they could not pay their bills. This is related to raising the minimum wage in the way that this same effect may happen. More than 8.4 million americans work for minimum wage. If the minimum wage is suddenly increased to $15 per hour people will be fired to pay for the raise of the other workers. That will then cause jobs to become tighter and many people will be forced on the streets because they don't have a job to pay their bills. That will then have an effect similar to the great depression regarding jobs. …show more content…

If the minimum wage goes up the potential of prices being raised are high. In the article “In Washington, D.C., a boost for the bottom line” Gina shaffer talks about raising prices of her products in paragraph 5. If the minimum wage is increased many stores will do the same in addition to letting people go. Another example of this is image A in our packet. The image shows two McDonald's employees enjoying the minimum wage hike, then a single mom with two kids is in the next part unhappy that the price of a happy meal has risen to

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