
Should Americans Be Required To Vote Essay

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A very controversial topic in the United States is whether or not Americans should be required to vote. Voting is a very essential piece to democracy, but many Americans today are not attending their voting location and supporting the candidate they feel is best. In recent elections, just 60% of registered voters casted their vote for a candidate. This is an issue that many people are not happy about, but whether or not there is reason to fix it is the other side to the case. Voter participation is an issue that has been going on for years, and no laws are in place currently to bring it up. Americans have been proud to live in a “free country”, and a law forcing citizens to vote may be against America’s principles. Compulsory voting should …show more content…

Not many countries have compulsory voting, in fact approximately only 40 countries do, and around 160 do not. As said in Document D, “Italy has mandatory voting and punishes non-voters. Italy ranks low among western countries on political satisfaction”. The document then goes on to say that “Switzerland and the U.S have the lowest voter turnout for western democracies, but among the highest satisfaction rates with their political institutions”. It is proven that countries with required voting get low satisfaction rates from their citizens, and countries that give their citizens the choice leave their people more happy with their government. Also, according to Document E, voting is required in Peru, and a fine of 35 U.S dollars is enforced if you do not vote. For someone in Peru who probably does not make much money, it could be very tough to leave your job and miss out on pay to vote. Also a fine for someone who cannot make it to the ballot could lead to much governmental resentment. Systems like these would leave Americans very frustrated with their government, and it will be very inconvenient for a large population of the working

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