
Should Children Be Allowed To Play Dangerous Sports?

Decent Essays

Some sports like football and soccer are labeled as dangerous. There has always been controversial over if teens should be able to play them, many parents have concerns about their children participating in these hard hitting sports. While there are many risks of youth playing these sports, there are many benefits that outweigh those possibilities of harm! I believe that teens/young children should be able to participate in these athletics because the risks are worth it, if they are doing what they love.

One of those benefits teach them how to deal with potential future injuries like for instance a minor concussion or a broken bone. In the article, “Should children be allowed to play dangerous sports?” By Shane O’Hanlon, Philosopher JS Russel stated that, “children are involved daily …show more content…

Yes it is obvious that hard hitting sports hold potential risks for youth that participate in the sport but there are many safeguards to prevent this from happening! There is protection like helmets and padding to keep children’s bodies safer when they approach impact. Along with protective gear, USA football has created a program called Heads up, this program lets children endure the self-affirmation of the game but with safer hits. Safer the games, the happier everyone is! To conclude, children/teens should be able to play these challenging sports spite of the few risks, the benefits definitely outweigh them. Adolescents need these sports! It helps them develop and expand their knowledge of their being. Some might argue that youth shouldn’t be able to play because of the potential consequences of it all but I say, they should, every sport comes with risks and injuries, it just comes with the game! To change more people’s perspective on this topic, more research should be done in the future and finding more ways to prevent potential harm so kids can have fun playing the game they

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