
Dental Implant Persuasive Speech

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Do you have a tooth that needs repairing? Do you have a tooth or two that are missing entirely? At Tulip Tree Dental Care, we offer dental crowns and bridges that can help restore your smile and get you back to living your life. Below you will find the answers to some questions we commonly hear regarding dental crowns and bridges. Please contact our office if you have any additional questions or concerns.

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a restoration designed to repair a damaged tooth. This tooth can be damaged due to decay, injury, or any other reason. To place the crown, we will first clean the tooth and remove any decayed or diseased material. We will then bond the crown directly to your tooth. The crown will serve as the new …show more content…

Consider dental implants! The team at Tulip Tree Dental Care can help you get the replacement option you need.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are prosthetic tooth roots designed to authentically and permanently replace natural teeth. They are typically made of titanium and are inserted into your gums to create a strong, long-lasting foundation for a restoration. Our office will help you choose the type of restoration that works best for you and then load it into your implant. Dental implants can allow you to achieve a beautiful, functional smile once more.

How are dental implants placed? Does Dr. Hurcomb place them?

We do not place dental implants here at Tulip Tree Dental Care. Instead, we work with oral surgeons to place the implants before having you return to our office to have your restoration placed. We design and craft all restorations to look beautiful and function well in your mouth.

When you go to the oral surgeon to have your implants placed, he or she will first numb the area. They may even offer dental sedation so that you are completely comfortable and relaxed. Once you are at ease, they will carefully insert the titanium implant directly into your gum and position it so that it can fuse to your jawbone. As you heal from the procedure, your implant will fuse to the jawbone, creating the strong foundation you

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