
Should Drinking Age Be Raised Essay

Decent Essays

Should the drinking age be raised? What is your opinion on the legal drinking age in the United States? Should it be raised or lowered? I think the drinking age should be raised from 21 to 25.It should be raised because the human brain isn't fully developed ,or matured, until age 25, it would reduce youth alcohol problems, and would reduce teen accidents and deaths. The first reason I think the drinking age should be raised is because the human brain isn't fully matured until the age 25. Its not fully developed and matured until age 25, yet the drinking age stands at 21 in the U.S. Why let someone drink if their brain hasn’t got to its full development and maturity. If someone drinks before their brain is fully matured then they have a higher risk of making bad decisions. People under 25 (not fully developed or matured brains) often do not consider the consequences of their actions, and adding alcohol to the situation doesn’t …show more content…

In fact,65% of teenagers have been hospitalized or have been killed due to underage drinking.If they cannot legally buy the alcohol, then it decreases plenty of risks alcohol offers.It would decrease the numbers of deaths ,number of injuries, number of accidents and even decrease the number of Rehabilitation due to Alcohol. A counter claim could be that accidents happen, and that if they wanted to go do these things and put themselves in a situation as listed above then let them.Its their choice and they can take responsibility for their actions.
In conclusion I think the drinking age should be raised to 25 because the brain isnt fully matured or developed until that age (25) , it would reduce teen alcohol problems, and would also reduce teen accidents and

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