
Persuasive Essay On Underage Drinking

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Do you think we should raise the alcohol age? Think about many people under the age of 21 whom has plenty of access to alcohol. If the age were to be raised to 25, this will eliminate a large proportion of alcohol usage within young people. At the age of 21, you are still considered a young person and not considered an adult until the age of 25. Under the age of 25 your brain is not finished developing so it will cause you to lose the cells and other parts of the brain that hasn’t grown yet. Drinking under the age can cause a person to harm his or her body in many ways, and to prevent this, parents need to be aware of the signs of underage drinking. Parents can recognize and deal with teen substance abuse by being aware of changes in gardes, friends, dressing, and many more (A). Have you ever heard of potted plant parenting?, Well if you think of a plant, it sits in the corner not hovering anything or being in the way but it’s there when you need it (A). That’s how parents should be with their children, available and ready to talk, not being much on their child case, and always be able to connect (A). Parents, Teachers, Coaches, and other adults play a huge role in preventing underage drinking (A). Adults can talk about the reality of alcohol usage and how it can affect you (A). Adults can also model their behavior; watch how you use and “put” out alcohol (A). Parents should become more familiar with their child's friends and surroundings, supervise parties to make sure

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