
Should Electoral College Be Abolished Essay

Decent Essays

The Electoral College is described as a process that helps the United States of America have a fair Presidential Election. This election is held for the highest public office anyone can hold. However, while many people looking on the outside think this is a fair way of choosing a person who has such power, it is very unfair. This essay will go into detail on what exactly is the Electoral College, how it works and why it should be abolished.
According to Archives.Gov, the Founding Fathers created the Electoral College or “Electors” as it’s originally stated in the constitution, as a way to elect the President and the Vice President of the United States. Alexander Hamilton, one of the Founding Fathers has made up this system of Electors as an easier way to vote for the presidential office. The …show more content…

There is never any attention brought upon them. The Electors are a large part of the government process as they are the ones who actually elect the President and the Vice President. According to, the electors are appointed after the general election results in each state (including the District of Columbia) by each political party. Once they are selected, the state prepares a Certificate of Ascertainment. This includes the name of each elector and the number of votes they received. Even though the Electors pledge to vote for a certain candidate, there is a rare occurrence of the “Faithless Elector (” The “Faithless Elector” is when a person promises to vote for a certain candidate but then votes for a candidate of another party or someone is not even on the ballot. Many people see this as a flaw in the system. On the other hand, this has only happened a couple of times: in the election of 1972, 1976, and 1988. Nevertheless, the elector not voting for whom they pledged for or not voting at all did not have an effect on the results of the

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