
Should Endangered Species Be Rebread?

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Should endangered Species Be taken captive until they can be rebread?

Endangered species contain of plants and animals, it is a type of organism that is threatened by extinction because their home was destroyed or loss of their genetic variation. (National Geographic 3). A species can be classified as vulnerable if its population has declined 30-50%. The first ever huge call for broad supposed to save animals was in 1961 by Morges Manifesto (Mclaughlin 5) Endangered species can become endangered from being hunted, loss of food, loss of home, and their genetic variation decreasing at a fast rate. Sometimes animal or even plant species could die off very quickly, or it can take a long time. Jut like the polar bear, it began being extinct years ago, and as of today they are still dying off because their homes are melting.

Endangered Animals are …show more content…

Finally in 1982 new amendments stated that animals were allowed to be taken captive and re bread, but today there are still animals that don't get that important help (Endangered species 12) With all the big problems going around right now when it comes to threatened species, not much can top when the Prarie dogs and Black footed ferrets went Endangered. Farmers thought of both those species as pests, so they would grab a gun and kill every single one they saw until few were left, their species count began to dramatically decline leaving 18 black footed ferrets left and a few hundred prairie dogs. With the thousands of black footed ferrets in the world now, they all came from many years ago when they were re-bread in captivity. Evolution means that more than 90 percent of all animal and plant species that have ever lived on earth are now extinct, and about 27,000 species go extinct each year (Greenhaven

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