
Should I Be Selected For The Flexmed Program

Decent Essays

FlexMed will afford me the opportunity to gain more theoretical and practical skills in global health and health policies and enhance my future career as a doctor devoted to the quality of healthcare in the developing world. Should I be selected for the FlexMed program, I would change my major to Public Policy Analysis/Biology, a special major that would offer me the opportunity to intern at a local public health institution during the fall semester of senior year. I hope to focus on the health issues of underserved populations in LA and develop projects with MEDLIFE Claremont to address the issues. In addition, I plan to learn Thai and go back to Thailand during a summer to start a health education program in the school I volunteered with last summer. The program would primarily focus on sexually transmitted diseases in response to the new rise in HIV/AIDS cases among young people in Thailand. Because of the flexibility the program offers, I am also interested in studying abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark as a junior to study the health system in Northern Europe.
I started my internship at Lopburi Cancer Hospital in Thailand with excitement and anxiety. “What stage is the cancer in?” I asked in an effort to leave a good impression of the attending physician as we rounded with patients. In my mind, the prognosis for cancer wasn’t a good one and making a patient comfortable was important. However, as I stood waiting on the answer to my question, which my attending had declined to

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