Bailey Kuhnert
Mrs. Misselhorn
5th Hour Language Arts
24 March, 2017 Should Kids Have a Summer Break?
Can you imagine going to an all year round –school? It must be horrible. You would have to go to school all year with short breaks in-between quarters. You couldn’t go on vacation, you couldn’t do activities, and summer is for family memories and its tradition. So why would we change tradition to go to school all year. Here are reasons why we shouldn’t apply to an all year round –schools.
The first reason why kids should have summer beak is because the scheduling of activities would be difficult. According to Matt Tait, it is hard for schools share gyms with other sports. As well as, it will be hard to get gyms and make team meetings
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Most of the teachers also want to get summer jobs for more money. Teachers also just want to get away from the students (and it’s the other way around too). Also, mothers that are teachers cannot spend time with their kids in school because they will be teaching (Nair), you couldn’t go on vacations. This is another example why having all year round –school is not the best idea.
The third reason why we shouldn’t have all year round –schools is because, its tradition to have 180 day’s strait with 3 months of breaks and it gives us more important things to do in the summer. According to Julia Sines, to have a 3-month summer and do more fun activities to do all summer is better than going to school year round. Kids want to go on vacations with their parents. Some athletic kids won’t be able to play travel sports. Scientist say that year round school kids drop out by their senior year (Sines). Most juniors and seniors work in the summer for money for colleges and to save up, but they won’t be able to get money. It’s more American to have 180 straight days with 3-month break. Billee Bussard stated, “It is an idea that has been tried and failed for more than 100 years,” (Sines). So talking to that quote, why would we start now. Kids love going outside and swimming and playing games and making money, but because the kids go to year round schools they only have 3 weeks to do these fun
So why is there such opposition for year-round school? The concerns seem to arise with the idea of taking away summer vacation. Most cite that both the students and the teachers need a break from school. This also the time where many families have vacation. Summer is the time where family spend time together without homework and project due dates looming over the students. This looming inevitably happens during the
Also, “without public support, year-round will fail because the parent’s reluctance to send their children” (Gee, 795). Parent reluctance comes from the lack of synchronized time off for vacation. Work schedules do not typically run on a 45/15 plan and without three months break, families lose time for a vacation. If a school decides to go year-round, communication between the community and school would have must be very clear as to when students are supposed to be in school (Wildman et al. 465).
Why is a year-round school a bad idea? Having a summer vacation gives students motivation throughout the school year. It is a bad idea to make our winter break longer than summer break because some students work over the summer, students are not getting the best education they could, and they will not have much time to spend with their family.
This is one reason that we should not have year round school in the United States. Year round schools don't learn any more than the kids in traditional nine month school calendar. The article says,"Students in "year-round" schools don't learn more than their peers in traditional nine-month schools, new research has found." This shows that kids in year round school don't learn any more then kids in the nine month school calendar. If kids don't learn any more than their peers than they shouldn't have to go to year round school. Kids in school deserve to have a summer vacation to hang out with friends and family and to be able to travel.
The first reason i'm against year-round school because we wouldn't have our summer break, The reason why it's a bad thing to not have summer break we won't get to enjoy outside activities we won't be able to have much fun as we deserve to because it wouldn't be fair. I thank it's better to have a summer instead of going all round school.
For many years, girls and boys would go to a year round school, and have breaks certain times of the year to help out at home or on the farm. Now days, only four percent of schools are year round. There are not many things that children have to go home for during the winter or summer anymore. Therefore, it is not a necessity to have summers off. However, having more year round schools, will create and easier life for students.
The first reason we should have year round school is because of students memories. This could help teachers spend less time reviewing what we already learned. According to Oxford Learning® students are at risk of summer learning loss. This could be prevented with year round
One reason why year round school is a bad option is it distorts to family life and creates money problems. Year round school during the holidays is difficult to plan trips around the breaks with them being shorter and everybody’s schedule varies its hard planning around everybody’s schedule during shorten school vacations when parents are scheduled to work. For instance, Matthew Lynch says parents struggle to schedule family vacations with varying work and school schedules (The Disadvantages of YRS). Usually vacations are taken during summer break but with no summer break parents would have to remove their kids from school more than often causing them to fall behind. Also year round school isn’t the best choice because teens may lose their
Do you like the relaxing summer break? Well, if you do, how would you feel about year round school. Year round school has been a topic talked about throughout the whole world. There are many advantages and disadvantages for industries, schools, students, teachers, and even parents. Lots of conflicts occur when changing the school year to year round. It can be unhealthy for everybody including students, parents, and even certain businesses. Year round school can lead to poor things.
In conclusion, these are the reasons why year round school will not help a child. Along with these problems there are more such as attendance, making school fun, and taking away the lessons children learn on their own. It is unfair making a kid grow up so fast by putting them in a classroom all year. Kids have summertime for a reason like just having the freedom, learning more about independence, and exploring, year round school is taking that away from them. It may seem like school goes fast but adding more days brings
One reason we should not have year-round school is because it affects the kids. The main reason kids would not want year-round school is because it gets rid of a lot of their summer break. Instead of having a long two and a half to three-month break, they would be stuck with a measly one month. How the heck is that supposed to be fun? Another reason is because kids may want to have a job over the summer, and year-round school won’t let them do that. Another reason is because kids can learn things over summer break that they can learn in school. Some kids go to museums, or camps, or libraries over the summer, and they can learn a lot from these places.
When people think of year round schools they think of the boring 365 day school, but it is actually just 180 days spread out throughout the year. There has been lots of debate on year round schooling. Some people think,that year round school is money absorbent, a waste of time, and an unuseful program. Others think, it improves education, makes money, and can accommodate more students. I think that year round school is an advantage to the student's,the school, and the economy.
For most people they don't like school. People look towards those nice long summer breaks. however a lot of things happen over the summer, the main thing that happens is that students tend to forget everything they learned during the previous school year. By the end of the the first month of summer, all that knowledge has leaked out of the brain. Then when the students return in the fall, the first month of school is wasted by re-teaching students what they should have already learned last year. It would be beneficial for students if every school went to year round school
Do you ever wonder why the kids cause so much chaos during vacation? Well they have too much time on their hands and not enough supervision. Back when we lived in a basic economy, summer vacation made sense because academic achievement mattered less. An absence of air conditioning or modern hygiene turned crowded schools into health-risks, and children had moms who were home every day. Times have changed now, so we have no need for summer vacation. Year Round schools would be successful because GPAs will rise and graduation rates will increase also children would have a safe place to go
Most students enjoy summer vacation, but some educators feel that the summer break is too long and that students do not retain information as easily when they return in the fall. Some people argue that there should be year-round schools, where there would by a 3-4 week break in the summer, a long winter break, and a week off in the spring and fall. I disagree with those people. The biggest problem with this schedule would be the summer break, it just isn’t long enough. I believe year-round school is a bad idea because summer break is a time when students get to take a break, parents may not be able to find a caretaker during the shorter breaks, and schools may not have sufficient funds.