
Should Police Officers Be Required For Wear Cameras While On Duty?

Decent Essays

Body Cameras

Should police officers be required to wear cameras while on duty? Police stations in all states should agree on letting officers wear a body cam that are the size of a cigarette stick that can be attached to hats, helmet, or the collars on their uniforms. That way the camera is small and convenient. The cameras on these police officers will be able to keep track of all the evidence from the scene of the crime and will guarantee accurate statements and facial recognition from the victims and witnesses. Therefore, instead of relying on somebody else’s partial picture of what happened, why not have your own? The use of body cams while on-duty provides valuable evidence in obtaining accurate witness and victim statements, may help prevent and de-escalate confrontational situations between officers and civilians, and video footage captured may help speed up court proceedings by providing indisputable proof of situations. With the use of body cameras, witnesses and victim 's statements can be easily reviewed for clarity. Especially, with the situations going on today it’s a great idea for police officers to wear body cams. In “Police should expect unruly suspects —and not abuse them,” DeBerry realizes every altercation dealing with “footage of police brutality” defenders of police brutality raise their voice (7). They say “the brutality victim should have just complied.” (8). They also, said “the brutality victim had it coming for all that back talk, for all

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