Statement: should police officers required to wear body cameras? Police Officers have been caught in the act of doing things they shouldn’t so many times and the worst part is that they try to twist the story around and lie about what happened. So it leaves witnesses no choice but to post it on social media and make it go viral, but this is only in America, but is this happening in New Zealand as well. In my essay, I will be discussing whether police officers are reliable or not along with why police officers should require wearing body cameras, and I will discuss should police officers carry around guns or not. Are NZ police reliable?
People in NZ have lost trust in the police officers due to specific activities police officers had done.
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The Government thinks that the policemen should wear the expense on the grounds since it could restore trust. I think getting police officers to wear body cameras wouldn't be a huge risk but it will be an improvement for society, it could be a huge positive change but then there are problems in this situation. Police officers should wear body cameras because we would have more security and less violence and both the police and individuals will behave knowing that they are being recorded. . I believe that getting police officers to wear body cameras would make a change because it will make the members of the public safer especially if they know that they’re being watched. This would also get police officers to be more professional on their job and be more careful of their actions. I also believe that these body worn cameras would help instil trust in the public definitely. The cameras will minimize the complaints about officers that use unnecessary force or inappropriate behavior from the officer or the residence. Unlike people, the cameras are unable to lie so they will protect any false accusations, misconduct and abuse against officers
Even though body cameras are a good source of evidence: “... Ariel cautions that one innovation, no matter how positive, is unlikely to provide a panacea for a deeply rooted issue such as police legitimacy” (Use of 2). Body worn cameras do bring up the issue of police legitimacy because police can still tamper the footage or say the camera was not recording. Also with every positive impact of body worn cameras there are bad impacts as well. Most officers are required to wear their body camera’s at all times, however the article “Police Cameras” explains how: “In some cases, officers have turned off the devices, and events have not been recorded” (Police Cameras 2). Officers should not have the option to wear body worn cameras.
What is a body worn video? A body worn video, also known as body camera is a video recording system that is typically utilized by law enforcement to record their interactions with the public or gather video evidence at crime scenes, and have been known to increase both officer and citizen accountability. The idea is that a video camera mounted on an officer 's vest or uniform would provide an accurate, objective account of every encounter with a civilian. Ideally, the camera would discourage police misconduct while protecting officers against unfounded civil complaints of brutality or corruption. While the use of body cameras may seem to invade the privacy of officers and the public, officers should wear body cameras because playing body cameras could improve, accountability, behavior, use of force, evidence, and processing and editing.
Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed on August 2014, by Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson, Mo. Brown, an 18-year-old African-American was fatally shot and killed in the street shortly after robbing a convenience store. The disputed circumstances of the shooting of the unarmed young man sparked existing tensions in the majority-black community and law enforcements in Ferguson, Mo. The event received considerable attention in the U.S. and elsewhere, attracted protesters from outside the region, and generated a powerful debate about the relationship between law enforcement and African Americans and the police use of excessive force. The shooting prompted protests that shaken the area for weeks. The announcement of the grand jury that they decided not to indict Mr. Wilson set off another wave of protests. Many police officers have defended Wilson, pointing out that officers patrolling violent neighborhoods risk their lives, while demonstrators saw the case in terms of racism and police brutality. However, Brown’s killing and the following events in Ferguson became a national controversy touching on much larger national issues of race, justice, and police brutality. While the specifics of the Brown shooting involved is not clear, the situation would have been dramatically different had Wilson worn body camera which would have recorded the actual event. With new body camera technology
Historically speaking, authorities of the law were never in a position where their professional duties and their character as a public servant of the law were demeaned in a way that there needs to be constant surveillance of them and the people whom they come into contact with. There was never a need of documenting every encounter you had with a civilian before. In this day in age, things have certainly changed, and the past has always been something society likes to change and make better even if it raises concerns. Due to all the violent police stories that has surfaced in the past decade, the idea of having police officers wear video cameras as a part of their uniform while on duty has resulted in a radically divergent account of society’s future. The law may uphold cops to wear cameras while working, but is this really the best decision? This topic is very controversial and may create issues with cops and the civilians they try and protect in the future.
Police officers should have to be required to wear body cameras to ensure the safety of the citizens and to provide evidence for a court case. Many times the police have gotten away with too many things and commit crimes that go unnoticed It’s time we put a stop to that and we make a change. With the use of body cameras that police force would be more trustworthy, they wouldn’t commit crimes, and they would be able to supply the court with undisputable evidence.
Today, law enforcement agencies, or more specifically police officers, are under constant scrutiny from their peers as well as outside sources. Many of these problems arise from how the police treat and deal with these citizens. There is however a solution to these problems, which can not only improve officer safety, but can also protect anyone else that the officer encounters. The solution to this problem is officer mounted camera systems, or better known as body cameras. These body cameras capture almost everything an officer see’s as well as hears. This allows for protection against a police officer as well as protection for a citizen who was scrutinized for something he or she might have done or not. Body cameras are ever increasing in policing and have many benefit’s as well as draw backs.
Growing up was a little boy who had a dream that wanted to become a hero, a hero that helps and save lives, a hero that is willing to a take risk for his country. A hero willing to save their family and friends . A Police officer was made to enforce the law, to serve and protect from crime and to stop all the killing and the violence. As soon start to get a little older,started to understand more and seeing them on the news saw the police were killing citizens, beating up teenagers, accusing others of having drugs and police were also dope dealing. My dream of becoming a police was fading away, my hero days were crushed and thinking police was our hero’s. Police were not creating justice in our cities.
Police officers should wear body cameras at all times on duty because it creates more evidence. Body cameras document everything from witnesses,victims,and suspects. “Perceived benefits that body-worn cameras offer—capturing a video recording of critical incidents and encounters with the public, strengthening police accountability, and providing a valuable new type of evidence—largely outweigh the potential drawbacks. (Ziv). This supports the argument because body cameras will be able to record any incidents and report them with the public. This quote support my big argument because only the officers and the victims knows what going on in a situation. This quote supports the position because now there will be clear evidence in certain
Police officers should wear body cameras shows proof of the confrontation between two opposing forces, later to be decided whether action from either side were rightful or injustice while being presented in a court of justice.
a few years now, police brutality has become an extremely controversial topic and has raised many debates and questions about law enforcement and civilians. Police brutality has been common for decades. However after the death of African Americans such as Michael Brown, Alton Sterling, and Philando Castile, many other African Americans have rose up in protest and anger. The anger stems from these men dying at the hands of police which the civilians believe they died from situation that should have been handled differently. Cases like these have caused a major divide with African Americans and law enforcement. Many people wonder where the relationship between the two went wrong and how police brutality became such a big issue that seems impossible
Police should be required to wear body cameras. Police wearing body cameras is a way to better the justice systems.police wearing body cameras change how officers perform their job tremendously. Police body cameras influence officers to do the right thing. Not only does it motivate the officers it also shows accurate evidence. Video evidence that cannot be denied when seen or shown to.
Body cameras on police officers in this day and age should be required for all departments. Body cameras should be worn to not only protect the officers but also the civilians that come into contact with police officers. It can give valuable information on what happened during an interaction between the public and law enforcement. This can protect the citizens from abuse by the police, as well as give necessary information into officer related shootings. All states should require their branches of law enforcement to require body cameras while on duty.
In recent years, society has heard cases of police brutality at an increasingly shocking rate, thus creating a sense of distrust among communities towards police officers and other authority figures. As the first line of defense against crimes such as home invasions or crimes against persons, police officers are expected to be an ally towards victims; however, it seems that society is now viewing officers as the perpetrators of crimes as opposed to the protectors. This has already posed an issue because community members are choosing not to seek police help when needed, and when they do decide to seek help, forgoing police assistance results in being uncertain of where else to go.
Since a very young age we have been taught to put our trust into police officers. If we are in distress, they are always there to help since it is their job to protect and serve the common citizen. So what happens when the individuals we are supposed to trust to bring justice are the ones causing the injustice we see in the news? Recently, several police officers have been under fire for their excessive use of force. The number of casualties caused by police officers in the recent years have citizens demanding a reform in the system that officers work under.
Police officers are given a lot of power because it is needed to help protect citizens and the community. However, police often abuse their power by the over use of force, corruption, sexual misconduct, bias based policing, and failure to maintain police ethics. (Peak, 2011)