
Should Sociologists Attempt To Combat The Social Problem Of Crime

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Distinguish between crime as a social and sociological problem. To what extent should sociologists attempt to combat the social problem of crime?

Although similar in most senses, social and sociological problems have completely different meanings. A social problem is an issue that exists within a society, which individuals are opposed to. A sociological problem on the other hand is an issue that arises and is discovered by sociologists due to sociological research. “Sociologists study human social lives, activities, interactions, processes, and organizations within the context of larger social, political, and economic forces. They examine how social influences affect different individuals and groups, and the ways organizations and institutions …show more content…

It influences the casualties, culprits and their families. Crime has expanded radically within the most recent decade. More prisons are being constructed far and wide in light of the fact that there is insufficient space to hold prisoners. The government has made an attempt to decrease crime by financing projects, for example, anticipation and mediation for youth at danger, and in addition recovery for detainees that will be discharged. Some contend that criminal conduct is because of the environment, others trust that it is hereditary, but then others feel that it has to do with personality. In the event that there were certain personality traits that could be related to potential criminal conduct, steps could be taken to attempt to decrease or lessen the "criminal personality". In spite of the fact that personality is by all account not the only consider to criminal conduct, there seems to be a solid relationship between the both. Alfred Adler trusted that youngsters who neglected to take care of the imperative issue of social interest-who need participation and a yearning for adding to the prosperity of others-will constantly meet noteworthy issues later, amid their adult years (Adler, 1998). This could incorporate personality issues or criminal …show more content…

It is a violation of social norm, and therefore crime can also be described as an act of deviance. Deviance can be both a minor or major offence. So how do sociologists go about combatting this problem? An act of Social control can be defined broadly as an organized action intended to change people’s behaviour (Innes 2003). The fundamental goal of social control is to maintain social order and the everyday behaviours on which individuals base their lives. One method for implementing rules are through sanctions. Sanctions can be positive and also negative. Positive sanctions are prizes given for fitting in with standards. Negative sanctions are disciplines for disregarding standards. Black (1976) distinguishes four key styles of social control, each of which characterizes deviance and the proper reaction to it in an alternate way. Penal social control capacities by denying certain social practices and reacting to infringement with discipline. Compensatory social control obliges a wrongdoer to pay a casualty to make up for a mischief submitted. Therapeutic social control includes the utilization of treatment to return people to a typical state. Conciliatory social control expects to accommodate the gatherings of a debate and commonly restore agreement to a social relationship that has been harmed. While penal and compensatory social controls accentuate the utilization of assents, helpful and mollifying social controls stress procedures of

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