
Should Terminally Ill Patients Have the Right to Die? Essay

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Should Terminally Ill Patients Have the Right to Die?
The right to die movement entered the United States in 1980, when a man helped his dying wife ends her life. This man then found the Hemlock Society - an organization that would help terminally ill patients die in peace, and advocated for laws supporting physician assisted suicide. After this event, the movement took charge, finding itself being argued in court numerous times. Debates went on as more and more doctors were being charged with murder as they accommodated their suffering patient’s wishes to die with the method of euthanization - a painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable or painful disease. States began to propose legislation giving these terminally ill …show more content…

She wrote: “I have emphysema and tumors and have been given six months to a year to live. I believe my final days will be filled with pain and distress not only for me but for my family” (Harris, The Ethics, 16-17). Ferry found the suffering of her disease to be unbearable and serves an example of one of many that cannot do anything about it. It was too far along this diseased road to have the possibility of a cure. No treatment or medication would be beneficial. And most importantly, there was no way to painlessly end the suffering. Because it is illegal for doctors to help these patients fulfill their wishes of death, the patients are left, often times unable to perform daily functions and activities, to wait for the treacherous disease to take their lives slowly.
The United States Declaration of Independence states in its preamble, “We hold these truths to be self evident... that [all men] are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (“Declaration of Independence”). According to an article from io9, researchers found that the most common reasons for wanting the right to die was, “loss of [independence], inability to engage in enjoyable activities, and a loss of dignity” (“Why You Should Fight”). Being ill-stricken, immobile, and attached to machine with no hope of a cure is not living. And just

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