
Should Texting While Driving Illegal?

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Over our civilization’s history, there have been countless technological advancements that essentially changed our whole way of life. As we have grown and adapted to these changes, we believe to have also acquired the ability to juggle our time and multitask easily. What we don’t realize is that this multitasking isn’t enhancing our way of life, but teaching us to slightly focus on many different things. Too many times we find ourselves texting or streaming photos on our phone while having a conversation with someone, and by “conversation” I mean spacing out and replying meaningless and unresponsive answers out loud. If texting has the power to make us seem dull, lifeless and passive towards a mere conversation, then how are we supposed to be alert and attentive while driving when we can only seem to keep one hand on the wheel and the other on the send button? In order to ensure the safety of every individual on the road, every state within the US should make texting while driving illegal. Texting while driving, which is the equivalent as driving blind for five seconds, has been an issue for about as long as the text message was invented. This activity has caused many accidents across the nation every year and resulted with quite a few fatalities. To this day, 46 states have decided to implement their own law banning texting while driving. This law can only be formed under the State’s authority rather than by our National government. This being a very controversial topic,

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