
Should The Adults Can 't Act Mature Enough?

Decent Essays

Inappropriate comments, racism remarks,petty bickering, media exploitation- no I’m not describing a trashy reality TV show, but our current Presidential campaign. If the adults can’t act mature enough to discuss real issues and make real change, it’s time to hand that responsibility over to the students. After all, we are America’s future. We will feel the impact of these leaders long after they are gone. Thus, we deserve a say. Though I live in this democratic society, as a seventeen year old, a few archaic documents deprive me of fundamental rights. A few regulations stand between me and the voting booth, silencing my voice. This applies to the majority of students as well. Schools need to provide a forum for student’s voice and …show more content…

This is your country. This is your platform. Say what needs to be said. I’m embarrassed for America. Once a respected global power, other countries now laugh at our childish behavior. Now, I’m definitely not saying we need to “Make America Great Again.” We’ve come a long way since our beginning. In comparison to 200 years ago, we’re more just, less racist, and better established. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate everything this country provides me. Free public education, freedom of speech, due process, it’s all great. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement. This political cycle exposes are worst qualities, ones we’ve tried to conceal for years. Our optimistic mindset is admirable, but not realistic. I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard, “We have a black president, of course Americans aren’t racist.” Police brutality victims say otherwise. Native Americans relegated to impoverished reservations say otherwise. Hispanics made to feel unwelcome in their own neighborhoods say otherwise. This is not a “post-racial era.” Not even close. We must call attention to this unabating injustice, and enact reforms and improved attitudes to better than lives of all Americans, regardless of race. We need to insure pre-existing rights extend to all. For instance, the right to vote: an essential aspect of democratic society, to commonly limited. Through the facade of a voter ID law, certain individuals steal the rights of countless

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