
Should The British Empire Be The Best Form Of Government?

Decent Essays

The British Empire was one of the most influential and powerful empires the world had ever seen. It spanned great lengths and reached the vast corners of the globe. Part of Britain’s success was due to its implementation of a Constitutional Monarchy. This form of government allowed much of the ruling to be done by others while maintaining the power of the king. This system is not used today, but many of the British colonies still respect the queen and her rulings. This being said the queen doesn’t actually have any power and is used as a figure head to give more power to the people and the parliament. The reason why this is the best type of government is because it compiles all three sections of people, it outlines what people can and cannot …show more content…

This will set out the guidelines that the common people will have to follow. Much like the United States (US), Britain has their own bill of rights and constitution. This was made to control the population of Britain and its outlying colonies having that much control makes it easier to rule their empire. Control was also the thing that Machiavelli told rulers they needed to have to become a good ruler (Machiavelli, 1994). You couldn’t have a rebellion and expect to control it so easily. Machiavelli even states that the masses will go to any length to get back their freedom or rights (Machiavelli, 1994). To prevent this citizens are allowed to vote in the members of parliament so that they have some choice in who would be leading them. Giving the people this degree for freedom, paired with the constitution, is what allows the people of Britain to not start an …show more content…

Yet, this government still functions, despite not having the same structure of a constitutional monarchy. The US’s form of government gives most of its power to groups of individuals to decide for the nation what is best, and also has one central leader that looks over all functions and actions of the US. However, with the US example many of the regulations and powers given to the government are uneven. Checks and balances are the only reason for the US being as balanced as it is. Plato’s perfect city could also give counter to what a constitutional monarchy would do. In a sense many of the positions are the same, with the exception of having one ruler. Machiavelli states that people are naturally inclined to choose one certain leader to lead them (Machiavelli, 1994). Yet Plato says that a group of leaders will be more than able to take a leading role (Plato, 2011). His perfect city also has no real limitations on what his people do as long as they stay within their class system (Plato, 2011). Machiavelli might take action on this stating that keeping a people in check is what a ruler is there to do. While Plato’s rulers might be able to decide how to keep control over people, a single ruler or set of rules made be a single ruler would be better (Machiavelli,

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