
Should The Driving Miss Daisy Be Kept In The School Curriculum

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Driving Miss Daisy is a great educational movie/play script to give to the class because of how it teaches children about discrimination and how people can change. Driving Miss Daisy should be kept in the 7th grade educational curriculum because it demonstrates the effects of racism, addresses discrimination of age and religion, and describes the how people who were once mean can turn quite the opposite. Read on to find out how Driving Miss Daisy, a great play, can help students as a whole learn how to to be a better person and learn about some troubled times in history. In the first place, Driving Miss Daisy should be kept because the story gives the audience a firm understanding of what racism was like back in time. Driving Miss Daisy shows a sad but important time in history that was very racist. An example of this is when in the movie and script the State Trooper 1 says “An old Nigger and an old Jew woman takin’ off down the road together.” Driving Miss Daisy shows what racism is and how it happened back in time. This is important because students can hopefully stop racism in schools now knowing the effect it puts on people. An example …show more content…

This event of discrimination with age and religion still happens in the U.S as it did in Driving Miss Daisy. Driving Miss Daisy shows how people discriminate others for their age and their beliefs. An example of this is when someone bombs the Reform Temple because it was a jewish area to do pray. Another example of this is when Boolie hires his mother a driver because he thinks she is too old to drive. Another reason why Driving Miss Daisy should be kept in school curriculum is because the story explains what affect discrimination has on people. This is important because we can change our ways if we were discriminating people and be more understanding. An example of this is when the Temple was bombed Daisy was

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