
Should We Use Non-Natural Prescription Drugs?

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Marijuana is a great treatment option. It can be prescribed to patients suffering from a handful of things. Marijuana is also one hundred percent natural and virtually harmless. However, the same cannot be said about non-natural prescription drugs, which can cause more harm than help. Marijuana has a better and always healthier alternative to non-natural prescription drugs.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, antidepressants, are the most commonly prescribed medications in America where about one of ten Americans are prescribed to them. Dr. Joseph Glenmullen, a Harvard catalyst reports on the safety of these highly prescribed antidepressant drugs popularly known as: Paxil, Prozac, Luvoz, Zoloft, and Celexa; saying these drugs can be very dangerous when taken in …show more content…

The possibility of human error didn't leave my thoughts. How could it? I considered human error by degree. Someone gives me the wrong change in a store. Easily fixed. A tailor alters a much-loved dress and it's too tight. Not so easily fixed, but I could recover. A deadly dose of chemotherapy. No fix there”
There should be no fear going into treatment, treatment should give you the opposite feeling of fear. With marijuana, there is no sense of a deadly dose of synthetic drugs being administered or prescribed. Marijuana can also treat patient suffering from anorexia nervosa, which is a psychological disorder, meaning patients are prescribed medications containing the same ingredients as antidepressants. These antidepressants can further depress patients and lead them to suicide. Marijuana is known to give an increased appetite, known as the munchies. It may not be the complete answer to treating anorexia, but it will at least make the patients want to eat which otherwise those patients would skip meals. Marijuana provides a small, but a one hundred percent less lethal alternative to patients suffering from anorexia

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