
Should Wearing Wear A Mask?

Decent Essays

Those who are able to perform their daily routines in such a way that their stigma effectively “disappears” to observers might be considered to have a full-coverage mask that is so lifelike, that they may convince others that the representation of the mask is their physical face. Others might wear a full coverage mask by transmitting with someone using a method that eliminates attributes that might be evident in face-to-face communication or by creating the illusion that a stigmatizing characteristic is actually a temporary circumstance.

While one might choose to wear a mask perpetually, it is not ever bound to the skin of the face; there may be various ways and contexts in which it can be removed. Individuals may choose to only wear their masks in places that they deem that they could never be accepted or in front of specific people, while putting less effort into managing their communication in places and in front of those deemed to be safe (Goffman, 1963, p. 81). Often, one with a stigma might make an effort to carefully conceal an attribute in front of strangers, but would remove their mask when they are with those whom they are intimate with (p. 74). However, there is not a strict dichotomy between public as unsafe and private as safe. An individual might need to reveal a stigma to certain members of the public while revealing himself to others in the same space (p. 73). Likewise, he might choose to remove their mask for a particular member of their family, but not

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