Should dodgeball be banned?
Many states have already begun banning dodgeball in their physical education curriculums. As of now 9,137 schools have taken dodgeball out of their programs, and all the time new schools are considering it. The reason for this is that they think our country should not have any games with human targets. Officials believe these are the first signs of how the stronger people can pick on the weaker, and they also don’t want children competing with each other. On the contrary, dodgeball is a fun way to receive exercise. It is also not an everyday activity that children should look forward to. There is no reason for it to be taken out of gym programs. In fact, it should not be banned because it’s one of
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But there is an error in their thinking. Knowing you are not the best at something, or being told you are not that good at something is good for you. It is what makes people successful. It motivates them to try harder so they can be the best next time. In the generation before the current one and the one before, most people had to go through a crisis in their country. In those times, children would grow up knowing they had to be strong to survive whatever they were going through. They also had to compete to have the necessary resources for success. The competition made them tough and mindful of criticism. Those children would take insults to heart and turn them into a reason to get better. But now, the kids think nothing they do is bad because to them, everything they do is good. Their parents have never told them they have done a bad job, and that sets their standards so low they have no reason or need to try hard and excel-- what they are doing is already good. Dodgeball while having a very small chance of injury is also the first time kids can become competitive like when they “stumble into the bright light of the real world and find out that, yes, there’s weak and strong and teams and sides and winning and losing” (Reilly 6) The now grown children will find they have to fight if they want to live a comfortable life. Nothing is handed to them in the real
This shows, the logic of the school board saying that students are participating. That could be that they are getting targeted and/or getting injured. That is important, because it supports the claim that dodgeball is not appropriate for school, because kids are not playing and getting active. Finally, the author shows that he used
Kids all over the nation love Dodgeball. I know this because I’m one of them. Our class always wines to play it and we get to on Fridays as our reward for making it through the week. Kids love the game so why should you take it away? When taken away from school children will just play the game elsewhere. If we
Shown in the text, most kids don’t do a lot of physical activity revealed with statistics, “61.5% of children aged 9-13 years do not participate in any 20 organized physical activities during their non-school hours and 22.6% do not engage in any freetime activity.” (986) It is important to note that the author is using statistics, and use of authority to show logos in their writing. This suggests that dodgeball is unnecessary as kids already don’t get enough exercise, and dodgeball isn’t a good way to get kids moving. Therefore, the author’s use of logos is able to compel the reader to believe their claim of dodgeball being ineffective for
For example, the author uses ethos to tell the reader that the only people who like dodgeball are the most skilled and confident But many do not! Certainly not the student who gets hit hard in the stomach, head, or groin. And it is not appropriate to teach our children that you win by hurting others, (987). This statement shows that dodgeball is a destructive sport and makes kids violent. This is important because it supports the claim that dodgeball is a destructive sport and makes kids think that they can only win by hurting others.
When it comes to subject that the public is concerned about, contact sports and the consequences that come from playing such sports is definitely high on the list. The one fact that one will notice by reading the following is the reasons why contact sports should be banned and the credible sources that have confirmed the harsh outcomes of playing such sports. Through the injuries, problems that come from concussions, and the fact that athletes are pushed beyond their limitations, one will see that playing contact sports is not at all what it is cracked up to be. The injuries tell it all and through the blood-soaked writing that has been typed below one will see that playing contact sports should be banned for good from public schools.
The reasoning behind the quote is to let you know that dodgeball is not giving kids the right amount of physical activity and participation as needed, so it should not be played. As a result, dodgeball is an inappropriate sport, and the reader should trust it. In addition, when the author uses logos or facts to make the readers believe them even more, the text states, “61.5% of children aged 9-13 years do not participate in any organized physical activity during their non-school hours” (986). For instance, this shows that the NASPE wanted educators to know that with their data, kids do not do lots or any physical activities outside of school. Moreover, kids in educational systems should not play dodgeball in school, so kids can get the correct amount of physical activity in school, instead of sitting around.
Youth should not be banned from playing dodgeball ,cheerleading,and football participant in sport. To begin,dodgeball shouldn’t be banned because it teaches important skills. According to the Rich Haneto,founder of national dodgeball assoc,said “It teaches hand eye coordination and ability to think and draw quick conclusion [171]. This proves that dodgeball teaches skills that can make kids better at sport. Now that we know that dodgeball is good sport to play you should know that cheerleading is a good sport to play two. And this is why cheerleading is a good sport to play because when coaches have certifications they know how to teach cheerleading to avoid injury. This shows that cheerleading is great to play. According to the text
Youths should not be banned from sports such as Football, Dodgeball, and cheerleading. To begin with dodgeball should should not be banned. One reason children should be allowed to play these sports is because the sport gets you fit and teaches you mental skills. According to Rick Hanetho, “The game allows kids who are not good athletes to participate in a team sport” (171). This proves that this gives kids opportunities to become good athletes. The sport cheerleading should not be banned for children is because Coaches are trained and they know what they are doing. According to Lord, “You can minimize the chance of having an injury is to have a qualified coach” (173-176). This proves if you have a good coach they know what is best
Youths should not be banned from participating in sports such as dodgeball, cheerleading, and football. To begin with, sports like dodgeball shouldn’t be banned because they teach mental and physical skills, and also provide kids with thicker skin to be prepared for real life situations. According to the article, “Should dodgeball be Banned in Schools?,” Rick Hanetho “Also argues that it teaches hand-eye coordination, concentration, and the ability to think and draw quick conclusions”(171). This reveals that dodgeball can teach kids more physical skills and the ability to draw quick decisions, which may be useful in life-situations. A reason that youths should not be banned from cheerleading is that the coaches in cheerleading are certified
My first reason why i think that dodgeball is not a terrible game. Dodgeball isn't a bad P.E game because it is teaching the kids of they are the weak players or the strong players. This proves that the kids might work harder to be one of the strong players so they won't be the first target. This evidence tells people that they can be one of the strong and not the weak. If kids never learn that they are one of the weak players they are going to be the first target to stronger kids. I know that mom’s want their kids to go to school and be safe. But at some point in life the kids need to grow up and learn what they are are going to have to deal with later in life. This reminds me of the story that I was reading. This story talked about a bully
The kids who are out of the game first need to understand that failure is another part of life, and that you never learn anything without failure. According to Letty McNulty, a P.E. teacher at Windy Hill Elementary, claims, “Everybody in this country has to have a tough skin.” This proves that dodgeball does have some benefits regarding hierarchy in sports and games. Matt Labash states, “A little bit of humiliation is a good thing.” There truly are ways that dodgeball helps kids in a way that can be informing, influential, and otherwise
Football is, in a sense, an amalgamation of what we perceive our nation 's values to be: teamwork, dedication and self-sacrifice. These values can be attributed to most any team sport though it is football that has become our favorite, satiating our lust for brutality. While this is not inherently a bad thing, the sport poses a much greater risk of concussions that other sports, more specifically to high school students. These injuries have previously had unknown long term effects but are now linked to dementia, depression and irritability and a wide range of other medical issues. Most players whether in high school or the NFL are painfully unaware of the risks that concussions may have on them. While banning football on a professional level is implausible, football should be removed from high school as the risks are insurmountable, especially when the same athleticism and character building can be found in most other team sports.
Youth shouldn’t be banned from participating in sports such as Dodgeball, cheerleading , and football. One reason dodgeball should not be banned , because it teaches physical and mental skills. According to NADA founder Rick Heatheo he says, “It allows kids who are not athletes participate in a team sport. This shows that the kids who don't play on team sports get the opportunity to play a sport a be on a team.This sport is also teaching kids eye hand coordination and the ability to think and draw quick conclusions, plus kids say it’s a fun sport If properly supervised. Cheerleading is one sport that definitely shouldn’t banned. A reason Cheerleading shouldn’t be banned because most coaches are trained and certified. According to Cheerleading
Dodgeball helps teach students around the world that it is OK to lose at a game every now and then, it happens to everyone. Rick Reilly, the author of the article Weak Shall Inherit the Gym stated that “Then those kids’ parents will send them out into the world to realise that, Yes there are winners and losers.” Bringing this statement into the argument helps show that if adults do not show those noncompetitive children that it is possible to lose, they will not act like an adult when they do lose they will never learn. Kids just have to learn to deal with it and learn from their mistakes so they will not lose next time. Children have to deal with losing like a Mature adult or they will have a rough life later on.
It’s important for a child to understand the positive impacts of competition despite a loss in a game. Adults go through competition everyday, from getting a job after a successful interview or missing it from an unsuccessful interview to promotion because of work well done or demotion at work. The basics of competition taught early helps a child succeed later in life. Team Sport equips a child to cope with competition in a friendly environment. Achieving a goal by being part of a team will help a child gain healthy competitive skills that they can use for the rest of their lives. Sports also help a child cope well with both a loss and a win as part of life. Learning to positively handle both the winning and losing side of playing a sport combined with good sportsmanship is a characteristic that carries over from childhood to