
Sigma Alpha Application Essay

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When I first accepted my bid for Sigma Alpha Epsilon, I told myself I would not be a bystander. I knew that you can get much more out of the fraternity depending on how much you put into it. From day one, I made sure that I would do whatever is needed to make my experience as a brother worth it. I immediately began to learn the True Gentleman as well as the history of the Fraternity. I did not want to wait for someone else to have to teach it to me because I saw the significance and the importance that it means to the brotherhood as a whole. One thing I noticed when I joined was that our campus involvement was not as strong as it could have been. I told myself I would get involved with all the events such as participating in different philanthropies or attending different events on campus to help …show more content…

I feel that attending the leadership school can only help me develop my leadership abilities and further allow me to continue to help SAE grow and become the best fraternity it can be. For the spring semester, I am holding two positions. They are member educator and social chair. I would love to have the opportunity to learn leadership skills to help me do a better job, but also have the chance to speak with brothers from around the country and learn from people who have held those positions. They would be able to tell me the do’s and dont’s for the positions and how to do the best to my ability. I see myself eventually taking an executive position and I think learning tips from this school could help push me in the right direction. I want to do great things for the Fraternity and I know this school is the first step in the right direction to get me there. I am very excited for the future of this fraternity and I know we are going in the right direction. It is my goal to be a huge factor in our

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