
Essay about Sigmund Freud Theory

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‘A’ Level Philosophy and Ethics Notes

Conscience - Freud
Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939) Freud was an Austrian doctor who had a number of troubled middle class Viennese ladies. He had a private practice in Vienna, where he developed his theories about the development of the mind. He developed the term Psychoanalysis, and also coined many of his other technical terms. Some of these terms have become widely known, though sometimes their original meanings have become changed! He began to develop his ideas as he worked with hypnosis as a treatment for hysteria in Paris. His mentor (a French Physiologist called Jean Charcot) was convinced that the hysteria that he was treating was psychical in origins. Charcot believed that ideas and beliefs …show more content…

The child feels guilt and shame at “letting its parent down”.

These feelings of shame and guilt become established in the psyche as the conscience.

Conscience - Freud

The Conscience at Work A person brought up in a strictly Christian family can experience powerful feelings of guilt if (or when!) they begin to reject some of the values that they have been brought up to hold.

Peter was brought up in a strongly Presbyterian family. When he was a child, he attended Church twice every Sunday. § The minister’s sermons would be delivered in powerful tones – the theme would usually be the punishment in hell waiting for the unrighteous. § He would be made to wear his uncomfortable “Sunday Best” – there would be no Television, or toys or games. The day was spent in silent contemplation, Bible study or discussion groups. § Many topics were “taboo” – particularly sex. Alcohol was banned. The women in the Church dressed modestly, and expected their daughters to dress the same.
When Peter leaves home, and begins to experience aspects of the World previously forbidden to him, he may feel a certain guilt. For example, Peter’s first experience of alcohol may not simply leave him with a powerful hangover. He may also feel guilt. This feeling of guilt may (or may not) affect his decision making in future encounters with the demon drink. § These guilt feelings will be particularly powerful when linked to sexuality. § In particular,

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