
Sij Dysfunction Reflection

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Examining patients with suspected SIJ dysfunction, I first begin with the examination with the lumbar segments to evaluate any instability or dysfunctions. I would check first CPR stenosis, then Zygapophyseal joint problems using Revel’s criteria, especially absence of pain by cough/sneezing; no pain when the patient is rising from body flexion to extension position, and no pain by extension rotation criteria’s would rule out facet problems.
Tests like Slump, PA springing test, SLR, Crossed SLR, passive lumbar extension and prone spine instability tests, active lumbar repeated movements test would help me to rule out the LS pathologies. Next step, I would skip pelvic and move to the hip segment to clear intra-articular and extra-articular …show more content…

Altogether using cluster of findings including provocation testing, pain location, palpation, strength testing, and mobility testing would help me to diagnose of painful SIJ pathology.

There are new tests and measures in the monolith that I will definitely like to add to my evaluation for SIJ. The integrate mobility tests; stork test, lumbo-pelvis rhythm, sacral and Ilium motion evaluations, I did not use in the past. Measuring spine, Ilium, sacrum, hip motion and movement patterns trough palpation and observation, I believe, would add value on my evaluation. Also, McGill’s endurance tests (core ratio) are new for me to use with PGP patients. But I can see the correlation pelvic pain and the strength level of the abdominals.

Overall, it is difficult to evaluate and diagnose pelvic joint dysfunction. The problem is that there is no accepted reference standard for SIJ movement dysfunction. The anatomy of functional pelvic-girdle, load transfer system, and structural relationship and the pattern of intra pelvic motion during stance and swing phase are important in evaluation a SIJ patient as their pain and

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