
Silence In The Chosen People

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Silence Speaks When Words Cannot In Jewish culture, Jews are the “chosen people”. According to Jewish writings, they are set apart from the rest of the world. In the bildungsroman novel, The Chosen, none of the characters choose to be Jewish, they are in fact born into the role. The phrase “The Chosen People” means that Jews are trying to make the world a better place. Their goal is to study and do good works and live out the commands that God spoke to them. The wish to become an insightful leader in the Jewish community is an important custom of the two families. However, with hard work and perseverance, Reuven and Danny find out who they really are, how significant silence is and what …show more content…

Reuven begins spending Shabbat afternoons at Danny’s house. On their first Sabbath together, Danny introduces Reuven to his father, Rabbi Isaac Saunders. Reuven witnesses a ritual uncommon to him. Reb Saunders quizzes Danny in public during their congregation’s Sabbath meal. He also surprises Reuven, asking him a question about the speech Reb Saunders gave which Reuven answers correctly, impressing Reb Saunders. Reuven later learns that Reb Saunders believes in raising his son in silence. Except for discussions of Talmud, Danny’s father never speaks to him directly, though he begins to use Reuven as an indirect means of talking to his son. Emily Dickinson's quote can be related to the novel in several ways. "Silence is all we dread," can relate to Danny's lifestyle and how he cannot stand the silence in which his father lives. Reb Saunders, chooses to raise his son in silence because Danny is next in line to be the Tzaddik. As a result of this, he feels isolated from his father and feels like he cannot talk to him. Danny relied on Rueven as a friend for the next several years. The silence was now bearable with a friend at his side. He eventually gained enough confidence with Reuven's help to tell his father he did not want to become a Rabbi like him and his grandfather. This is hugely significant because he broke the silence and spoke the truth which goes against his father’s expectations of

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