
Silent Killer

Decent Essays

I decided to discuss about this article because we need to create awareness of the causes and the prevention of this silent killer. I really liked the manner in which the article is developed, it provides fabulous and detailed information that allowed the reader to create a clear scenario of what is to have a heart attack, the causes, the symptoms and the treatment. To speak of health today is not to speak exclusively of curing illnesses. Talking about health is, above all, in these times, talk about prevention. To take care of the body and the mind to have a better quality of life in the present and in the future. In this context, awareness of the factors that can affect our cardiovascular health is fundamental, since it is the main cause of death and disability of women in our country and the …show more content…

Some lifestyle-related conditions and decisions increase the likelihood of a person having heart disease. Some examples are diabetes, overweight and obesity, poor diet, lack of physical activity and excessive consumption of alcohol. High blood pressure, low-density lipoprotein (BAD) cholesterol, and smoking are key risk factors for heart disease. LBD is considered to be "bad" cholesterol because having high levels can lead to accumulation in the arteries, which can cause heart disease and stroke. If you lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, and if you do not smoke, you will reduce your chances of having heart disease. Now, in case of emergency, angioplasty which is the best treatment needs to get done. In this case we need to kake in consideration that not all hospitals are capable to made the process, so we need to be aware of our options. After the angioplasty you should take a daily medication, which will help your heart adapt to the implanted stents and they will not close again, a phenomenon known as restenosis, his medication should not be forgotten any day in order to minimize future

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