
Silvershell Beach Lab Report

Decent Essays

Silvershell Beach is the home to many different aquatic species and other forms of wildlife. Last lab block the class and I went into the ocean at Silvershell beach and took seven different seine net samples. With each sample we took, we noticed a variety of different organisms. As we moved around different areas of the ocean, we would come out with changing species and number of species that we did not find in other areas of the water. Species we found included sea robin, hermit crabs, moon jellies, minnows, shrimp, eels, and more. Sample one and two were taken from around the same area in the water and there was a reappearance of three of the species. In sample one we found hermit crabs, minnows, moon jellies, and a sea robin. In sample two …show more content…

Recently over nine Cape Cod public water suppliers tested for contaminants in groundwater, with a goal to learn more about how septic systems and other groundwater sources are affecting water quality on the Cape. The results of the testing came back that over 75% of the wells and systems tested showed levels of contamination, much of which came from septic systems(FAQs: Emerging contaminants in Cape Cod drinking water 2016). A big issue regarding the contamination of the Cape water is the amount of sand Cape Cod has. Sand is very permeable and allows the water to pass through to quickly before the natural process of full purification can take place, resulting in many different contaminants easily being able to get into the ground and drinking water(Land and People: Finding a Balance Jan 2015). All of the contamination in the groundwater leads to contaminated well water which is how most people living on the Cape get their drinking water. Drinking contaminated water can lead to many different illnesses, infections, and may be linked to diseases like cancer. Poor water quality also has an effect on biodiversity making the amount of biodiversity in different habitats smaller(Quebec Biodiversity Website: Impacts on Biodiversity 2014). With high levels of pollutants, the water quality lessens and the turbidity rate increases making the water less able

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