
Similarities And Differences Between South Africa And Israel's Apartheid?

Decent Essays

Apartheid is a social rule or racial segregation, which involves political, economic and legal judgement against people who are not a specific race (“Definition”) Apartheid, and other influential regimes are the reason for the origin of resistance poetry.

June Jordan said that poetry is a medium for telling the truth. Resistance poetry serves as a medium for oppressed people to raise awareness about a social, political, economic, or racial issue without being evident about the themes of their poetry. This means that the poets can defend themselves by saying that the resistance poetry was misinterpreted. There are multiple similarities and differences between the Apartheid of South Africa and Israel, and related themes/events are interpreted …show more content…

In South Africa the pass system was implemented, which meant that non- white people would be arrested for being in ‘white-people’ areas if they were found without their government-issued ‘passes’. In Israel the Jewish/non-Jewish/Arab had identity cards, as well as a wall to separate the Palestinians from the Israelites. The people from Israel had separate license plates and roads, but not the people of South Africa ("Comparing South African Apartheid To Israeli Apartheid"). In the poem, The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point, a black woman (slave) is trying to escape the oppression of slavery. She shouts, “I am black, I am black!” (Browning) as an expression of disapproval for why she is mistreated. She also evokes about how happy she was before being a slave. In Apartheid, South Africa and the segregation of the Palestinians, torture methods were used to break resistance and to punish ("Comparing South African Apartheid to Israeli Apartheid"). In lines 95-98 the women recalls, “They wrung my cold hands out of his, they dragged him…where? I crawled to touch his blood’s mark in the dust…not much, ye pilgrim-souls, though plain as this!” (Browning) As readers, we assume that her lover is punished or

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