
Similarities And Differences Between The Sunni And Sunnis

Decent Essays

Lama Gojgar
Ruth Zollars
HUM 133-11
December 11, 2017 Historical Sunni-Shiite Differences
Historically, the Sunnis and the Shi'ites have been at opposite sides of the ethnic/cultural/religious and political fence. Such differences have led to numerous violent encounters between the two groups, with neither group appearing to be willing to make any concessions regarding their differences. This paper will discuss the differences between Shi'ites and Sunnis based on the thesis that these differences are based on conflicting beliefs related to the successor of their Prophet Mohammad.
The differences between the Sunnis and Shi'ites are founded on their disagreement over who was to be their Prophet Mohammad’s successor. On one side, there were those who believed that the next leader should come from Mohammed’s bloodline; on the other side, there were those who subscribed to their next leader being a highly qualified leader who would follow the teachings of Mohammed (Blanchard, 1). At first, the leaders of the community agreed to elect Abu Bakr to be the first successor or caliph of Mohammed. Most Muslims at that time seemed to be supportive of such decision. However, others supported another successor – Ali Ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of Mohammed (Blanchard, 1). Ali was not considered in the election by the Muslim leaders because he did not have seniority in the Muslim community. The Muslims who adhered to Ali’s right (and those who followed his line)

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